Exhibition Hanging System Design ◦ System Installation Plan
Time and space constraints — a functioning restaurant with lift & path restrictions, small staging areas and the need to choreograph installation around a busy lunch service—meant that a previous hanging system would not be possible to reuse. We were asked to rethink the system and develop a lighter, easier, more flexible and faster-to-install alternative, all while minimizing costs.
Through a reconsidering of the fundamental elements of a hanging system and a practical re-imagining of their form, we developed a single type of modified ladder (a nearly readymade object ubiquitous to construction sites around Hong Kong) that could adapt to accommodate every necessary panel arrangement.
The standard, unmodified, sheets of plywood were completely re-purposed by the client for their following exhibition.
A summary of the design considerations:
A single type of modified ladder allowing for every panel arrangement—ensuring total flexibility for panel arrangement and planning (including for future hanging)
Simplification of the install process by separating the panel and structure elements—thus dividing the tasks of setting-out and fixing as well as ensuring that installation could be done by even a single worker
Automatic alignment of seams on aluminum channels at each ladder, simplifying another previously time-consuming step
A fabrication time and a price well below that of the previous version because of the mostly prefabricated nature of the design
The possibility of reuse & easy storage—both of the unmodified plywood panels and the ladders themselves
Photo courtesy of Para Site
Photo courtesy of Para Site
Summary of Site Constraints
Photo courtesy of Para Site
Photo courtesy of Para Site